Friday, August 26, 2011

FamilySearch Find Of The Day: The Marriage Of My Cousin, Baron László Solymosy de Loós és Egervár

With the update of the FamilySearch database "Hungary Civil Registration, 1895-1980", I tried searching to figure out what exactly was new to the database. I believe it's the addition of Somogy county. I was actually able to find a marriage record for a cousin of mine, Baron László Solymosy de Loós és Egervár. I'm related to the Baron through his direct-maternal line great-grandmother, Baroness Angelika Izdenczy de Monostor és Komlós. My own 8th-great-grandfather was Márton Izdenczy de Komlós,
a relative of the Baronial Izdenczy de Monostor és Komlós
family. Here is an extract of his marriage record:

Page 5
Entry 13
Marriage Date: 24 Apr 1935, Inke (Somogy county)

Groom Name: Loosi és egervári Dr báró (baron) Solymosy László Ödön István
Groom Occupation: large land owner
Groom Religion: Evangelical
Groom Birth Place: Zalaegerszeg
Groom Birth Date: 27 Apr 1909
Groom Residence: Egervár (Vas megye)
Groom Father: néhai (deceased) loosi és egervári báró (baron) Solymosy Ödön
Groom Mother: zichy és vásonkeői Zichy Angella grófnő (countess)

Bride Name: Bolla Gizella
Bride Religion: Reformed
Bride Birth Place: Inke
Bride Birth Date: 11 Mar 1914
Bride Residence: Inke
Bride Father: Bolla Pál
Bride Mother: Balogh Franciska

Witness: Zábrák Viktor, Nagylózs
Witness: Dr. Bolla Pál, Vásárosnamény

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Prime Minister of Hungary, Kálmán Tisza

I was randomly searching around the Budapest Civil Registration records today, and I stumbled upon a death record for a pretty well-known man in Hungary: Kálmán Tisza, Prime Minister of Hungary from 1875 to 1890. Here is an extract of his death record:

Entry Number: 864
Date of Registration: 24 Mar 1902
Date of Death: 23 Mar 1902
Name of Deceased: borosjenői Tisza Kálmán nyugalmazott magyar királyi miniszterelnök országgyűlési képviselő (borosjenői Tisza Kálmán retired Royal Hungarian Prime Minister, Parliamentary Representative)
Birth Place: Nagy-Várad (Bihar county)
Residence: Budapest VIII Sándor u (utcza; street) 14
Religion: ref. (Reformed/Calvanist)
Age: 71
Spouse: Degenfeld Schomberg Ilona grófnő (Countess)
Father: néhai (deceased) borosjenői Tisza Lajos
Mother: néhai (deceased) Teleki Juliánna grófnő (Countess)
Cause of Death: vérér elfajulás szívhüdés (vascular degeneration heart failure)