Thursday, September 03, 2009

My Porkoláb Family

I deceided to write a blog devoted entirely to the family of my 6th-great-grandmother: the Porkoláb family.

My 6th-great-grandmother was Erzsébet Porkoláb, born about 1741 and died 13 Jun 1788, both in Tiszadob. She was married to István Tóth, a nobleman, sometime after 1757 in Tiszadob. I have an extensive genealogy of the Porkoláb family. It begins in 1635 and ranges to present time, and consists of 41 pages of 13 generations of descendants. The Porkoláb family was THE largest family in Tiszadob, and they were known as such.

I believe I've been able to connect Erzsébet Porkoláb into the very beginnings of the family tree, as a daughter of Márton Porkoláb. He was known as Márton 'Szakálas'.. or Márton 'the Bearded'. He was known by this nick-name because his only male first cousin was also named Márton. This cousin was known as Márton 'Katona'.. or Márton 'the Soldier'.

Márton 'Szakálas' was the son of Jákób Porkoláb and Márton 'Katona' was the son of János Porkoláb. Jákób and János are the sons of the original progenitors of the family, Márton Porkoláb and his wife Dorottya Baranyai. They also had another son named Mihály, who had no known male issue.

Márton Porkoláb, his wife Dorottya Baranyai and their three sons were granted nobility on 09 Feb 1635 by King Ferdinand II. It was later recorded in Petneháza in 1650. They were also granted a coat of arms, which you can see below:

Not much is known about the ancestors of Márton Porkoláb and his wife Dorottya Baranyai. In the beginning of the patent of nobility for Márton it states: "agilis (anyai részrõl nemes) Porkoláb Márton hûségét és hû szolgálatait". This means "agile (mother's noble side) Porkoláb Márton loyalty and faithful services". So apparently Márton's mother's family was already noble. But, I haven't found anything to connect them in anywhere.

Taktaszada Parish Records - Update #2

The Taktaszada baptism records are now complete and online:

There are 140 years worth of baptisms ranging from 1755-1895. I also already have the marriages previously completed, which range from 1773-1895.

I now have to transcribe the death/burial records. I may take a break before I start-up this project. Although, I have the deaths from 1773-1779 complete already.. but not online yet.